I just found this photo as I dug through the leftovers from a wedding I shot with my friend in May. This is Vicki and her daughter Sami...how did I miss this before?!?!?
My best friend's daughter is in dance classes, and today was her recital. We couldn't go to the recital tonight, so we went to the rehersal last night. She did an amazing job, and is such a natrual performer!! I loved going to the rehersal even more than the performance last year....at rehersal, I got to take photos!! :-) So, here is the star, Zoe! Doing a Jazz number...
I LOVE the lighting effects her studio uses for the performance transitions....I got a lot of cool shots with wild lighting, like these....
And the silhouettes are amazing!!
This girl danced to Michael Jackson songs, and she did an amazing job!!
Quakers, when trying to scare you, will puff up and look like a goofy teddy bear thing...
And finally, crazy acting Quakers will teach shy little parrotlets that it's ok to eat apples, hang from their toys, and make a ton of noise!! Yippee!! Yoda is coming out of his shy little shell :-)
Spending some time at my parent's house, so I have some new models to torture :-)
This is Kramer...can you see why he got that name??
Clifford wasn't as thrilled with my attempts to photograph him...
Here's a new cute one of Yoda...
I call this one "Curiosity Killed the Cat"*
And just because it's pretty, and so cool...this is my mom's pineapple this year...look how big it's getting!!
*No kitties were harmed in the taking of these photos...but one little orange kitty got startled by a loud noise when he got too close to my sweet little birdy :-)
I've missed the beach...I've missed the wind, the sun, the smell, and most of all, the sound.....the sound of the birds, the waves, and the wind through the sea oats. I must dedicate some time this summer to the beach....it calls me.
What a day for a family reunion on the beach. Hot, no wind, and a super bright sun, but with a family like this, how could you go wrong! Everyone was so much fun! Enjoy your photos Clark family!! Contact me at kori@kgedrisphoto.net for print prices. Proof books of all photos here available for $25+7% sales tax.