Sunday, March 29, 2009

School Field Trip

Every spring, our class goes on a camp fieldtrip out in the woods. Scouting is a wonderful thing and the kids always have a fabulous time! This year, we were able to see Critter Encounters again. The kids always love him and the animals he brings. What a fun learning activity for them.
King Snake
King Snake

Ball Python
Ball Python

Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragon

Baby Alligator (about a year and a half)
Baby Alligator

While showing us the reptiles, this little hand kept sneaking out of a covered box...
Little Hand

Finally, this sweet racoon was able to show off and have a snack
Hanging out

Pet Skunk..what a sweet face
Pet Skunk

On our nature walk, we saw these racoon prints. The kids were so excited to find the prints of an animal they'd just seen
Foot prints in the sand

The aftermath of a craft project. I just loved the colors
Crayons on blue

And before we left, this house sparrow was flitting about with this string in its mouth. It's nest building time!! :-)
Building a nest...

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